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Environmental Legislation
Air Pollutant Emission Inventories and Informative Reports in Implementation of Directive 2016/2284 / EU (NEC) and the LRTAP Convention, , NTUA, MEEN, 2017, 2018, 2020.
Support Actions and Inventory of Greenhouse Gases according to European and International Conventions, NTUA, Ministry of Environment and Energy (MEEN), 2009-2016, 2018-2020.
Air Pollutant Emission Inventories, Informative Inventory Reports and the National Programme for Air Pollution Control in Implementation of Directive 2016/2284 / EU (NEC) and the LRTAP Convention, NCESD, (Ministry of the Environment and Energy), 2019-2020.
Greenhouse Gases Emission Inventories in the Framework of the European Legislation and the International Conventions, Ministry of the Environment and Energy (ΜΕΕΝ), 2017.
National Calibration Laboratory for the Certification of the Reliability of Atmospheric Pollution Measurements, MEECC, 2012-2015
Investigation of the Road Traffic Emissions Contribution to Air Pollution in Urban Areas in order to propose and specify reliable policies, MEECC, 2012
Development of A Cost Efficient Policy Tool for reduction of Particulate Matter in AIR (ACEPT-AIR LIFE 09 ENV/GR/000289), LIFE PROGRAMME, 2010-2014
Industrial Risk – Urban and Spatial Planning, Organisation for planning and environmental protection of Thessaloniki, 2007-2008.
Water Management of the Stymfalia Lake Ecosystem, General Secretariat of the Peloponnese Region, 2005-2006
Development of an Action Plan for the abatement of Atmospheric Pollution in the Greater Thessaloniki Area, Ministry of the Environment, Planning and Public Works, 2003-2004
Photochemical Modelling within AutoOil II, Programme, AOPII, Funded by JRC- ISPRA, 1997-99