Air Pollution

In Greece, the air pollution problems began to appear since early 70s and were mainly associated with the urbanization of the population coupled with economic growth. The influx to urban centers was done without planning and led to the expansion of cities in an arbitrary manner from both urban planning and operational aspects, with premier example the case of Athens. As a result, environmental problems, in particular air pollution problems, have become more severe, more complex and more acute.

In several cases due to urban sprawl, industrial activity extends close to or even within residential areas.  

At the same time the economic growth achieved, inextricably linked with the increase in energy consumption and hence with an increase of lignite and liquid fuels combustion, has lead to increased atmospheric pollution levels.

Apart from the above mentioned pollution problems, other problems such as indoor pollution, electromagnetic radiation and industrial accidents are also important. In general, problems of air pollution in Greece are mainly associated with urban and industrial pollution.

In all the above issues, AXON has considerable experience and a high level of expertise extending from air pollutants emissions inventories and application of photochemical dispersion models to atmospheric pollutants measurements with special equipment.
